Sunday, March 12, 2017

Behind the Times

One of the arguments I've heard to justify the sin of homosexuality is that the Church is behind the times. When I look at that statement, I realize they're really not saying the Church is behind the times. They are saying God is behind the times.

Most Church denominations base their stance on homosexuality on what the Bible says about it. The Bible, which is God's word to man, clearly labels homosexuality a sin. So, saying the Church is behind the times is really saying God is behind the times.

But God can't be behind the times. He exists outside of time. He created time. It means nothing to Him. He exists on a completely different level and scale than us. He's very well aware of what transpires on Earth. He's aware of what passes for "Modern Society".  He isn't caught by surprise at the things we do.

It may be flattering to think that our society is 'Modern' and on to new things but it's not. Sure, we have technology and all kinds of new gadgets but human interactions and mores and sins are the same as they've always been. There is nothing new under the sun. Homosexuality was a sin thousands of years ago when  God called it a sin in the Bible and it's still a sin today.

What has changed is the punishment for that sin. In the Old Testament, homosexuals were put to death but in the New Testament, they aren't. Just like with the women caught in adultery, Jesus says to go and sin no more. He doesn't condemn us but He does tell us to sin no more. I don't write this to condemn anyone. I write this to show that God is very much in tune with the times and nothing escapes His notice.

Jesus took all the punishment and condemnation for sin upon Himself so that we wouldn't have to bear it ourselves. But that doesn't mean we continue in sin because He doesn't condemn us. I'm not saying it's easy to stop sinning or quit a certain sin that has become a stronghold in our lives. But God is the same today as He was yesterday. In the Bible, He calls Himself the I AM. He is in an ever present state. He's not in the past or the future. He's in the right now. Nothing you're going through is too tough or hard for Him deliver you from. He isn't behind the times but He is behind your deliverance.

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