Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Framing the Argument

A lot has been written about abortion and how it's supporters go through quite a bit of verbal gymnastics to justify something that is profoundly unjust. The verbal jockeying they do is astounding. They are always coming up with new ways to explain it.

So why do they do it? Why do they keep coming up with new phrases and terms for it? They take after the father of lies and deception. In the Garden of Eden, Satan did this to the first humans. He used God's word and asked a seemingly innocent question. He framed it in such a way as to cause doubt and confusion.

The anti-lifers are just following in his footsteps. They have company. The slaveowners took to verbal jockeying to justify the enslavement of an entire race. They even used scripture. The Nazi's used all kinds euphemisms to justify extermination of a race. They had a Propaganda Minister to frame the argument to justify what they did. Now we have abortion. It's supporters framing the argument and jockeying and maneuvering the language to support a cause.

In all that jockeying and maneuvering, they stake out a position that is untenable. That's because they've placed themselves in opposition to God. If you have to frame the argument and twist words and meanings to support your cause, then your cause isn't worth supporting. What are you trying to hide? Why not come straight out and say it plainly? It's simple. Pro-lifers have done it from day one. It's murder. It's no surprise that abortion clinics don't want the women who come to them for an abortion to see an ultrasound of their baby. A great majority of those women change their mind when they are able to see the ultrasound.

They wanted abortion to be legal so it would be "safe". Women wouldn't have to get unregulated back ally abortions, but, when some commonsense regulations are proposed, like parental notification and requiring doctors to have admitting privileges at a hospital, you'd think they were having their fingernails ripped out with all the howling and caterwauling that goes on.

When someone talks about framing the argument I know I won't be getting the whole picture.

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